Image of Circular bamboo coasters with porcelain stand

Circular bamboo coasters with porcelain stand

This set of 4 round coasters, have been made from beautiful, smoothed bamboo wood. Each one has been carved to perfection, with no jagged edges. A fresh white porcelain stand, holds them all snugly for a striking contrast. With a rustic but contemporary feel, they will fit into many decor styles. Have them in the living area, to spread around when friends want to relax with a drink. Keep them in the kitchen, to use at mealtimes. Each one will look great and protect your fancy dining table from scuffs and bangs. The best thing is you can store them away in the handy porcelain stand when not in use. They will match up perfectly with the other pieces in the bamboo and porcelain range. Gather the whole set for a stylish, tied together look. If you prefer more contrast, add in funky table runners and funky wall art. These will stand out beautifully, over vibrant tones and patterns.

Price: $20.00 from April Oak Ltd

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