Image of Fido's Fleatrol Plus Quick Dry Spray 500ml

Fido's Fleatrol Plus Quick Dry Spray 500ml

Carry this one on your holster and shoot down those flea-bitin’ varmints before they can say “gimme a scratch”. Fido’s Fleatrol Plus is a ready-to-use spray for use on pets and their surroundings (such as bedding). Pyrethrin kills adult fleas and ticks, while methoprene breaks the flea life cycle by destroying eggs and larvae. It controls fleas and adult brown dog ticks for up to seven days, and prevents fleas from producing viable eggs for up to six weeks. Product details Available in 250mL and 500mL bottle ready-to-use spray for control of fleas and ticks on cats and dogs kills adult fleas and ticks; breaks flea life cycle no petroleum use on pet’s bedding and areas frequented by pet see product label for directions.

Price: $20.99 from Jumbo Pets

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