Image of Greenies Grain Free Dental Treats Petite 340g

Greenies Grain Free Dental Treats Petite 340g

Is your dog in need of a breath freshener? Teeth could do with a clean? Then meet the mighty Greenies Grain Free Dental Treats Petite - now available in a grain-free recipe! Greenies are the #1 vet recommended dental chew. Every time your dog chews on the flexible, unique shaped treat he is getting a thorough teeth cleaning that removes plaque and tartar build up. Plus he gets to chow down on a delicious low-fat treat- yum! These grain-free greenies have been formulated with chickpeas and potatoes, making them a delicious and nutritious dental treat for your favourite companion. Product details 20 dog treats in a 340g pack petite size is for dogs 7–11kg removes plaque buildup diminishes gingivitis promotes fresher breath reduces the risk of dental disease.

Price: $19.95 from Jumbo Pets

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