Image of Lee Filters ND Graduated Set HARD Resin Filter Set | Black

Lee Filters ND Graduated Set HARD Resin Filter Set | Black

The Neutral Density Set can be used with both digital and film cameras. The set contains graduated resin filters that enable the photographer to adjust exposure over part of the photograph without effecting colour balance. Exposure can be controlled by 1, 2 or 3 stops. For example, when photographing a landscape in which the sky is much brighter than the foreground, placing the Neutral Density part of the filter onto the sky in the frame will reduce the sky exposure without effecting the foreground. This enables cloud detail to be kept correctly exposed and avoids the “white out” effect caused by exposing for the foreground. Includes: 0.3 Neutral Density Hard GradReduces exposure by 1 stop without affecting colour balance. Hard transition from dark to light.0.6 Neutral Density Hard GradReduces exposure by 2 stops without affecting colour balance. Hard transition from dark to light.0.9 Neutral Density Hard GradReduces exposure by 3 stops without affecting colour balance. Hard transition from dark to light. - Lee Filters Nd Graduated Set Hard Resin Filter Set Black

Price: $509.00 from CameraPro

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